London Investor Tej Kohli On Chasing The 'Second Wave' Of CRISPR-Cas9

“The only thing worse than losing money on an investment is having to watch the value of something that you didn’t back grow beyond all expectations” says London-based technologist and investor Tej Kohli. Kohli is talking into a laptop with the team of experts that he has assembled to spearhead a new initiative for his Kohli Ventures investment vehicle. Staring back at Kohli are the faces of a crack team of PhD and MBA holders from the worlds of biotechnology and genetic engineering.

For more information on Tej Kohli as a philanthropist visit and to read more of his views go to his Medium.

To read about Tej Kohli as an investor visit Kohli Ventures.

Find out more about Tej Kohli: Tej Kohli the technologist investing in human triumph, Tej Kohli the philanthropist trying to cure the developing world of cataracts and Tej Kohli the London tycoon with a generous streak.

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